Friday, September 9, 2011

back on board

hui. punya la lama nak update. selalunya, setiap bulan sekurang- kurangnya mesti ada satu post. maaf la, training di plant sungguh memenatkan, tidak ku sangka sebegitu rupa. will update on that later.

me and boyfie are still going on strong. we still love each other. cuma ade la konflik sikit-sikit, but nothing big. we just hit our 3 years! :) orang selalu cakap, lepas 3 tahun mesti tak tahan. tapi tengok kawan lain ok je dah nak 10 tahun pun. we will reach our 4th year next April. inshaAllah, when the time comes, and duit poket pun cukup, we will take it to the next level.

p/s: still deeply,madly in love with you! ♥