Sunday, December 28, 2008


have i found you,
flightless bird,



or lost you?
american mouth

big pill looming

i first recognize the song from the last scene on twilight. a perfect song to end the story. the song completed the movie. =) im not a big fan of the fiction but the flightless bird american mouth caught my attention to the twilight soundtracks. the song is pretty solid, it can do well without the movie. its such a sweet song, makes you want to fall in love all over again. haha.

cudn find the dance scene image, anyho this is other one fave scene. heee

remember the scene in twilight where this song is playing in the background? =)
edward and bella were dancing to the song at prom. edward lifted bella with his right arm and rested bella (she was injured--and dont know how to dance) on his feet. and then they were so close, so attached. =) ok that's enough.

in a few minutes, marks the day that we have shared the days together for 8months now. and im dedicating this song to my one and only. my reason to fall in love all over again. i love you. happy 8monthsary and congrats on the dean's list.

yours for now and always,
your girl.


me said...

gila sweet kau!
happy 8monthsary too


btw i agree with you
i love flightless bird american mouth so much
ever since denga kat movie


pessa said...

thanx for the wish syg... =)

ikabash said...

aku mang sweet dowh..
tmpt aku bnyk cemut...

pessa said...

haha...perasan dh org tu...haha

ikabash said...

meng-deny kan facts.

me said...

byk semut sbb kau sweet la?

tp betol la ko sweet :)
pessa kene trima hakikat
