Saturday, November 29, 2008


happy 7monthsary! =)
as for the gift, im giving u this award. recycled one lah. haha. pemalas gile nak edit post sebelum ni.. i just had to upload twice ek? hahah. i love you so much and i cant wait to see you. =) distance makes the hearts grow fonder. =) doa2 lah, mudah2an penantian ni berbaloi.

wishes and hopes to be your rightful yang bercop 'halal'. haha.
btw, congrats on the award. =P

1 comment:

Helwa Tamar Jaya said...

ika aku upload asik error je..ko ajarlah aku step by step...bagilah aku site link blog tempaltes yang ko slalu guna...hehehe...cikgu ni ajar anak murid macam makan belacan..hehehe