Happy 15-monthsary to you....
thanx for the wish. you can get DL too this sem. Just don't give up
hope ur mood swing will go away... Amin..
p/s: just listen Haley. my mood changes after that.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
girls: how to deal with a moody attitude.
1. start the day with a forced smile. solat subuh. doa mintak di mudahkan perjalanan hari ni.
2. put on your best outfit. put on make ups. (if u dont know how to wear one, just put on some lipgloss--like me)
3. see yourself in the huge mirror. tell yourself you look like a million bucks!
4. play your mp3 on your way to class. i reckon BEPs, they are SO daft punk now.
5. turn up the volume sampai orang tegur pun tak dengar. smile at everyone you see. biar la dia rasa pelik ke apa.
6. focus at class. by an hour, you'll forget that you dont have the mood for today.
if all of the above fails,
1. jump on bed, bury your head in all the pillows that you can find, pinjam roomate punya pun boleh and SCREAM. as loud as its nobody's bussiness.
2. OR, you can just lay on your bed, stare blankly at the ceiling, and somehow, hopefully, with jedi powers, your boyfriend got the itch that you are not in the mood and start calling you. (nothing beats kenapa ni sayang? hee)
3. make hot choc for yourself and play sudoku or learn rubik's cube. BOSANNYA SAYA!
2. put on your best outfit. put on make ups. (if u dont know how to wear one, just put on some lipgloss--like me)
3. see yourself in the huge mirror. tell yourself you look like a million bucks!
4. play your mp3 on your way to class. i reckon BEPs, they are SO daft punk now.
5. turn up the volume sampai orang tegur pun tak dengar. smile at everyone you see. biar la dia rasa pelik ke apa.
6. focus at class. by an hour, you'll forget that you dont have the mood for today.
if all of the above fails,
1. jump on bed, bury your head in all the pillows that you can find, pinjam roomate punya pun boleh and SCREAM. as loud as its nobody's bussiness.
2. OR, you can just lay on your bed, stare blankly at the ceiling, and somehow, hopefully, with jedi powers, your boyfriend got the itch that you are not in the mood and start calling you. (nothing beats kenapa ni sayang? hee)
3. make hot choc for yourself and play sudoku or learn rubik's cube. BOSANNYA SAYA!
not in talking mode.
sorry for the emo posts last week. apparently my new roomate bukan la orang kelantan tuh, dia datang bagi pihak kawan dia je. my REAL roomate, my jiran, azfarina, sarawakian! lepas ni boleh la belajar cakap sarawak pulak, ganu dah pandai dah.
i am still shocked from all the responses in the last post. overwhelmed. tak sangka pulak sokongan yang diberi penuh padu dan berjitu. hari tu suruh nad je baca, pasal nak bergosip line tak clear. saya ingatkan saya dengan pesa je yang tukang post, tukang baca blog ni, pasal kami tak promote- promote pon. mekasehh. heee.
tonight saya kembali emo pasal antivirus jadi bebal, shoutbox jadi sengal, lagu- lagu dalam handphone asyik main lagu hindustan je bila put on shuffle. kaho na pyaar hai.
geli, geli.
p/s: happy 15th monthsary. congrats on the DL.
i am still shocked from all the responses in the last post. overwhelmed. tak sangka pulak sokongan yang diberi penuh padu dan berjitu. hari tu suruh nad je baca, pasal nak bergosip line tak clear. saya ingatkan saya dengan pesa je yang tukang post, tukang baca blog ni, pasal kami tak promote- promote pon. mekasehh. heee.
tonight saya kembali emo pasal antivirus jadi bebal, shoutbox jadi sengal, lagu- lagu dalam handphone asyik main lagu hindustan je bila put on shuffle. kaho na pyaar hai.
geli, geli.
p/s: happy 15th monthsary. congrats on the DL.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Disagree - Haley
Album: To Prevent The Earth Moving With You (new album)

No ones gonna get to you
I just wanna be with you
All I want you to have you around my world
All I want you to have you in my arms
Baby want you to stay with me, you know me into you, into you
No ones gonna get to you
I just wanna be so cool
All I want you to have you around my world
All I want you to have you in my arms
Baby want you to stay with me, you know me into you, into you
For me, to you
There's no being left to...
For all things that i have done
For all things that i have got
Nothings gonna change my mind
Nothings gonna show
All I want you to have you around my world
All I want you baby, me into you
Baby want you to stay with me, into you, into you
Baby, i meant to have you....
p/s: aku suka lagu ni, siang malam dengar lagu ni.. 4.5/5 stars for this song..
Album: To Prevent The Earth Moving With You (new album)

No ones gonna get to you
I just wanna be with you
All I want you to have you around my world
All I want you to have you in my arms
Baby want you to stay with me, you know me into you, into you
No ones gonna get to you
I just wanna be so cool
All I want you to have you around my world
All I want you to have you in my arms
Baby want you to stay with me, you know me into you, into you
For me, to you
There's no being left to...
For all things that i have done
For all things that i have got
Nothings gonna change my mind
Nothings gonna show
All I want you to have you around my world
All I want you baby, me into you
Baby want you to stay with me, into you, into you
Baby, i meant to have you....
p/s: aku suka lagu ni, siang malam dengar lagu ni.. 4.5/5 stars for this song..
Saturday, July 25, 2009
ketidakpuas hatian ep.4
there's a difference between orang yang gadgets savvy dengan orang gadgets-jakun-riak. sorry kena bold kat situ pasal aku memang tak puas hati.
orang gadgets-savvy biasanya buat homework dulu pasal gadget yang dia nak beli dan necessity barang tu untuk penggunaan diri dia.
orang gadgets-jakun-riak beli pasal orang lain ada, trendy, nampak cool, dan boleh berlagak macam gadget savvy.
p/s: berkerut dahi aku memikir. hp rosak, kamera rosak, petom baru halfly repaired. duit keluar je manjang. postpone lagi la PSP aku. setahun dah ni postpone. sebab ko roomate aku gune aku-ko. salah kauuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!
orang gadgets-savvy biasanya buat homework dulu pasal gadget yang dia nak beli dan necessity barang tu untuk penggunaan diri dia.
orang gadgets-jakun-riak beli pasal orang lain ada, trendy, nampak cool, dan boleh berlagak macam gadget savvy.
aku tak paham la ko. satu hari ko balik, semua puak ko beli printer 4-in-1 bagai, lepas tuh cerita macam dia la cipta printer tuh. datang bilik tengok- tengok printer member, padahal semua printer tu sama je. takde plak ko punye ade leopard prints ke.
so ok la, aku admit. ko punya gadgets up-to-date, ko ada laptop lagi canggih dari aku, aku built-in-cam takde, ko ade sony mp3, printer pun dua dah ko ada. laptop ko warna merah. sori, aku memang pantang orang nak berjiwa-jiwa dengan aku. bilik ni aku je yang suka warna merah. nak je aku spray laptop ko warna purple.
becakap dengan aku 2 kali satu sem. aku tak kesah. sebab ko memang tak masuk dengan aku pun. memang sengaja aku pasang lagu daft punk kuat- kuat kasi ko angin. daft punk tu kire lagu lembut lagi bagi aku ok. pesa suruh aku minta maaf dengan ko. sorry not unless you do it first.
ko gelak aku tak pandai masak takpe lagi. aku tak ambil hati. unik ape. berapa ramai je perempuan tak pandai masak. one of a kind. yela, ko gadis kampung, pilihan mertua. buat kerja lembut- lembut je. (bluwekk). ko tutup pintu tak pernah nak lembut, aku tak pernah sound ko. pagi- pagi nak memerut pun agak- agak la member lain nak tido, slow- slow la tutup. kalau sekali dua aku tak ambil hati lagi, ni setiap kali ko bukak pintu macam tu, aku siap nak buat wasiat kalau aku meninggal sebab terkejut puncanya ko, family aku leh saman ko. haha. bukak loker, tarik kerusi, haihh.. tak payah cerita la. aku bukan linda ngou poi poi, tapi satu bilik dah cakap hal yang sama. apa punya malang la aku sebilik dengan ko lagi. and ko definitely change persepsi aku terhadap gadis kampung. and it aint good.
tak puas hati aku pun aku belum pernah buat jahat dengan ko, kecuali hal daft punk tu la. ko tak bercakap dengan aku yang peramah ni pun aku tak ambil hati, sebab dengan ahli bilik ni yang lain pun ko macam tu. tak memasal ko datang jumpa aku nak pinjam camera aku, aku bagi. tak nak dah musuh-busuk hati semua. kita sebilik. aku siap charging kan camera bagi battery full cukup ko pakai 3 hari pegi cherating dengan member- member.
balik-balik ko pinjam overdue. hari isnin baru ko pulang kat aku. cakap thanks je. aku baru bukak casing camera aku tadi, aku on, lens error. card pun error. bejuta kali aku try on-off, mmc pun aku format, masih yang sama. aku ada dslr di rumah wahai roomate, lens error tak boleh buat apa, kena hantar kedai. dslr kat rumah pun baru ambil dari kedai, lens rosak, kene seribu lebih repair. yang ni mungkin murah lagi, tapi aku tak berduit. aku tak marah ko, aku kecik hati ko tak bagitahu aku problem ni masa ko pulang kan. aku dah la nak pakai camera ni esok. cakap la jatuh ke hape, boleh aku tanya kedai sementara tuh. ah, salah aku jugak, tak check dulu masa ko pulangkan, salah aku jugak bersangka baik dengan ko.
camera ni aku berebut dengan adik aku nak bawak datang uni. pasai nad, tipah nak grad. kak bai, kak ju, kak zara, kak shida, kak fara, dan kakak seangkatan dengan nya nak grad. pesa pulak ada anugerah dekan. time ade moment- moment penting la ko nak rosakkan camera aku. aku dah berangan nak print gamba pesa tunjuk kat ibu. adoyai. ko ni memang spoiler la. dah berangan nak pinjam robe nad pastuh begamba macam bimbo.
roomate, ko tau tak hari tu puak ko datang jumpa aku nak pinjam kereta aku. aku jumpa dia sekali je la masa dia datang bilik nak jumpe ko. aku mana ade kereta. dia kate aku ade kereta, myvi lagi. aik, aku tau la aku ade kereta ke tak, dia pulak nak confirm kan untuk aku. aku ade kereta takde nak sorok la, dekat ko pun aku tayang. aku pinjam kereta orang je bawak ke hulu ke hilir. agaknya puak ko memang macam ni eh? muka tak malu gila, kenal pun tak, nak pinjam- pinjam. masalahnya, puak ko tu tau ke nama aku?
tak kesah la rumate, aku budak pinggir bandar yang profesional yang tak pandai masak ni akan bincang elok- elok dengan ayah aku macam mana nak kasi repair camera digital ni, kasi cover kesalahan ko yang ko belum atau tak berani nak mengaku.
p/s: berkerut dahi aku memikir. hp rosak, kamera rosak, petom baru halfly repaired. duit keluar je manjang. postpone lagi la PSP aku. setahun dah ni postpone. sebab ko roomate aku gune aku-ko. salah kauuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!
Friday, July 24, 2009
orang baru.
hari ni ika dapat roomate baru. dia baru mai, petang karang dia mai lagi bawak barang- barang pulak. hati ada sikit kecewa la, sebab port kosong tu kita orang bagi kawan tumpang, dengan jadi tempat dapur sikit. rasa macam kenal je budak tu. kalau cerita dengan nad ni pun tau kot. budak kelantan yang overly dress tuh. bahaha. jahat gila. alaaaa, yang kalau turun makan cafe pun nak tudung lilit pakai skirt swirly-swirl bagai. biar la, tak kisah macam mana dia dressing pun, saya senior. respect that. huh. plus, saya lebih bergaya full stop.
dia masuk bilik karang ika tak nak mesra sangat, nak tunjuk terer, tunjuk power. pasai pa? pasai lia ada cerita perbezaan gadis kelantan dan gadis terengganu. dia cakap gadis terengganu of course la cantik- cantik (fyi, lia orang ganu.), tapi kurang nya bila dia bukak mulut. semua perkataan dia nak matikan dengan G. makang, pinggang (pinggan), oreng. kalau gadis kelate pulak, dia orang biasa- biasa je lia cakap, tak huduh, tak cantik sangat. tapi bila bercakap, puh, hati lelaki mana tak guguq? mendayu jeee. setiap perkataan mati dengan lembut. macam belajar tajwid pulak. yang N ganti dengan E. make, and whatever lah.
Lia cakap dengan penuh emosi sem lepas. "bahaye eh pompuang kelantang eh, cakap tuh tubik lembut-lembut. ganu ni laing, kasar sikett"
ika ni pulak jenis "kongsi" boifren. semester lepas, pesa bukan saja couple dengan ika, dengan satu bilik tu pun kekasih dia. kak bai kalau buat plan makan 1 bilik kat luar, "ajak adik pessa jom." kalau pesa call pun, bergilir satu bilik cakap dengan pesa. haha. ika tak kesah. sebab tau dah dia orang main- main je dan mereka bukan gadis kelantan. and they dont overly dress. kalau dia nak mengada jugak macam roomate ika yang lain siap la. i hate bimbos! gila emosi.
"buke! buke!"
"buke, buke, bukan ar!" gadis johor rocks. and kick ass.
p/s: kita tengok la berapa sekejap (bukan lama) ika jadi peramah. dah la dia punya tempat sebelah ika. cis.
techy downfall
handphone tak seberapa ni dah rosak! dia kuar skrin putih je. ni yang lemah handphone slide ni. nak macam korea konon. huh. faz cakap, "dah macam handphone aku dah ni, ko pegi repair baik kau beli baru je." kau dekan boleh la mintak handphone baru. cepuk kang. leleh je tengok SE walkman baru dia. kalau mengikut kiraan tahun dan had penggunaan, wajib dah ika mintak handphone baru kat ayah. balik- balik dapat handphone turun temurun je, nak gak merasa handphone dari kotak baruuu, tapi cuak la pulak nak mintak. takut ayah suruh guna duit PSP beli phone. haish!! 6 bulan tak shopping simpan duit. melanggar hukum alam wanita dah.
takpo eh, takdak phone.
tak mati, petom rosak ika mati. haha.
nak contact ika call public phone TDI kayh?
takpo eh, takdak phone.
tak mati, petom rosak ika mati. haha.
nak contact ika call public phone TDI kayh?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
*belum ada tajuk*
its 4am and i left you a message,
i know you'd be asleep, but im hoping you're not.
it has been 4 hours since you recite me ayat Kursi,
since im in my time of the month.
and i come to realize,
it have been over a year we stayed this way.
seemed like it was only yesterday,
you repeatedly told me,
i am your first true love,
and you pray i will be your last.
and every time that scene repeatedly playing in mind,
i feel embarrass and silly and stupid,
for i cant say the same to you,
im not regretting for what my past has became,
as my past is what brought you to me,
my past has taught me and still teaches me,
to appreciate you,
to treasure you,
and to be true to you.
it has been my constant reminder to be grateful.
i somehow feel you are my gift from Him,
you brought back my glow,
you guided me out from the darkness,
you turned my life around.
you offered your hand when the world was against me,
i couldn't care less of what people would think and say,
you pushed me,
you made me believe in me.
moreover, you let me be me.
you have always been in my prayers,
for good health, good life and happiness.
and i constantly pray to be your rightful one,
to love, to share, to hold, and to last,
just before i place my two palms over my face.
i have always loved you and always will.
i know you'd be asleep, but im hoping you're not.
it has been 4 hours since you recite me ayat Kursi,
since im in my time of the month.
and i come to realize,
it have been over a year we stayed this way.
seemed like it was only yesterday,
you repeatedly told me,
i am your first true love,
and you pray i will be your last.
and every time that scene repeatedly playing in mind,
i feel embarrass and silly and stupid,
for i cant say the same to you,
im not regretting for what my past has became,
as my past is what brought you to me,
my past has taught me and still teaches me,
to appreciate you,
to treasure you,
and to be true to you.
it has been my constant reminder to be grateful.
i somehow feel you are my gift from Him,
you brought back my glow,
you guided me out from the darkness,
you turned my life around.
you offered your hand when the world was against me,
i couldn't care less of what people would think and say,
you pushed me,
you made me believe in me.
moreover, you let me be me.
you have always been in my prayers,
for good health, good life and happiness.
and i constantly pray to be your rightful one,
to love, to share, to hold, and to last,
just before i place my two palms over my face.
i have always loved you and always will.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
bruno's a man and so much more. (18+)
here's a lil intro.
Brüno, a gay fashionista is the host of the top-rated late night fashion show in any German-speaking country--apart from Germany. Brüno’s mission? To become the biggest Austrian celebrity since Hitler. His strategy? To crisscross the globe in the hopes of finding fame and love. -yahoo.
click here to read the character's takbolehterimaakal, out of this world, sangat-drama-queen-this-gay-guy here. plus, they even tell you about his homo-- experience.ugh.
Amsterdam opening. mixing casual and formal wear.
London opening.
Los Angeles premiere.
Madrid premiere.
MTV movie awards, before landing on Eminem's lap. ahaha. bangang betul.
at Berlin premiere. such nice hair. =P
photos: yahoo
here's a lil intro.
Brüno, a gay fashionista is the host of the top-rated late night fashion show in any German-speaking country--apart from Germany. Brüno’s mission? To become the biggest Austrian celebrity since Hitler. His strategy? To crisscross the globe in the hopes of finding fame and love. -yahoo.
click here to read the character's takbolehterimaakal, out of this world, sangat-drama-queen-this-gay-guy here. plus, they even tell you about his homo-- experience.ugh.

photos: yahoo
makes you wonder kan, kalau Malaysia punya premiere dia pakai apa plak? haha. me and my imaginations. bahahahaha. anyways, movie ni dah keluar pun on 10th July, prolly Malaysia ban this movie because this comedy is rated R (what, tak penah dengar pun R-ratings) which is for its persasive strong and crude sexual content, graphic nudity and language.
Tak sesuai la untuk Malaysian yang sememangnya believe everything they see on teevee, trend follower, kang ramai pulak lelaki jadi macam bruno, fashionista! habis la handbags semua dirembat, no more for girls. hahahahah.
but i can watch it. saya berpendirian teguh. oh, mesti gelak best punya tengok ni.
whoever have downloaded this movie, BRUNO lemme know! oh please give me! give me!
p/s: more daring photos google la sendiri. i tak sanggup nak upload.
Tak sesuai la untuk Malaysian yang sememangnya believe everything they see on teevee, trend follower, kang ramai pulak lelaki jadi macam bruno, fashionista! habis la handbags semua dirembat, no more for girls. hahahahah.
but i can watch it. saya berpendirian teguh. oh, mesti gelak best punya tengok ni.
whoever have downloaded this movie, BRUNO lemme know! oh please give me! give me!
p/s: more daring photos google la sendiri. i tak sanggup nak upload.
Monday, July 20, 2009
interview with baby sister.
[22:29] atikahbasyirah: im bored
[22:29] atikahbasyirah: i got no class tomorow
[22:30] atikahbasyirah: cn come pick me up or not
[22:30] atikahbasyirah: obviously i have no friends to hangout with
[22:30] ila_nabila96: cming home then?
[22:30] atikahbasyirah: havent been out the college for straight 4 days
[22:30] atikahbasyirah: n im about to go out of my mind!
[22:30] ila_nabila96: haha.
[22:31] atikahbasyirah: and i only been talking to walls!
[22:31] atikahbasyirah: i need a pet.
[22:31] atikahbasyirah: seriously
[22:31] atikahbasyirah: help!
[22:31] atikahbasyirah: mayday2!
[22:31] ila_nabila96: wiw.
[22:31] ila_nabila96: ur starting to talk to ur own kind!
[22:31] ila_nabila96: at last.
[22:31] ila_nabila96:
[22:31] atikahbasyirah: demmit
[22:32] atikahbasyirah: im in serious pain here
[22:32] atikahbasyirah: rabu also got no class
[22:32] atikahbasyirah: mlm je ade at 8pm
[22:32] atikahbasyirah: i want to go home
[22:32] atikahbasyirah: im crying here
[22:32] atikahbasyirah: heeeeeeellllllllllllllpppppppppp
[22:33] atikahbasyirah: addddeeeeeekkkkk
[22:33] atikahbasyirah: heeelp
[22:33] ila_nabila96: ibu kate nk balik naik bas ley tidak?
[22:34] atikahbasyirah: too scared on my own
[22:34] atikahbasyirah: nak balik td dh
[22:34] atikahbasyirah: tp takot sorg2
[22:34] ila_nabila96: slame ni ley jewk.
[22:34] ila_nabila96:
[22:34] atikahbasyirah: i dont know
[22:34] atikahbasyirah: this place just got scarrier
[22:35] ila_nabila96: heh. dats just u.
[22:35] atikahbasyirah: help2
[22:35] atikahbasyirah: pessa aint helping
[22:35] ila_nabila96: akk, my psp is gettin' betta n betta!!
[22:35] atikahbasyirah: he just told me to main sudoku
[22:35] ila_nabila96: haha
[22:35] atikahbasyirah: duhhh
[22:36] atikahbasyirah: boringggg
[22:36] atikahbasyirah: i need a psp!
[22:36] ila_nabila96: pessa come and go.
[22:36] ila_nabila96: just like adik/
[22:36] atikahbasyirah: thts wht i need
[22:36] atikahbasyirah: heeeeellppp
[22:36] ila_nabila96: PSP???
[22:36] atikahbasyirah: i cant take it anymooooooooooorreeeeee
[22:36] ila_nabila96: should i post mine 2 u??
[22:36] atikahbasyirah: yes2
[22:36] atikahbasyirah: u shud
[22:36] ila_nabila96: haha.
[22:37] ila_nabila96: convince ayh la.
[22:37] ila_nabila96: i don mind.
[22:37] atikahbasyirah: y dont y do it
[22:37] ila_nabila96: cnnot stadi la kalo tgk psp uh.
[22:37] atikahbasyirah: im not got at convincing
[22:37] atikahbasyirah: im not lyke u
[22:37] atikahbasyirah: i stadi also
[22:37] ila_nabila96: fyi, ayh cut my alaun.
[22:38] atikahbasyirah: need i remind u that im 'the world's greatest daughter'?
[22:38] atikahbasyirah: ayah bought the mug just to prove it to u guys
[22:38] atikahbasyirah: hahaha
[22:38] atikahbasyirah: y lah ayah cut?
[22:38] ila_nabila96: uh, dat mug eh?
[22:39] ila_nabila96: adoiii.
[22:39] atikahbasyirah: help2
[22:39] atikahbasyirah: come n pick me up
[22:39] atikahbasyirah: im meelltttiiinnnggg
[22:40] ila_nabila96: to pay back d psp game. ayh very cheap nowadys.
[22:41] atikahbasyirah: ugh.
[22:41] atikahbasyirah: men.
[22:41] atikahbasyirah: whats up ah men with money
[22:41] atikahbasyirah: the got issues
[22:41] ila_nabila96: exactly.
[22:41] atikahbasyirah: not like they shop or anyhting
[22:42] ila_nabila96: ibu ckp nk balik balikla tp sape nk anta balik asrma nnti?
[22:42] atikahbasyirah: i can balik on my own kot
[22:42] ila_nabila96: balik sini mcm mana?
[22:42] atikahbasyirah: u guys pick me up la
[22:43] atikahbasyirah: weekends ni im nt coming back
[22:43] ila_nabila96: cnnot. besok ira mnembak la.
[22:43] atikahbasyirah: got some reunion thingy kat melaka
[22:46] atikahbasyirah: adik
[22:46] atikahbasyirah: nevermind la
[22:46] ila_nabila96: yesh.
[22:46] atikahbasyirah: i'll just hangout kat library tomorrow
[22:46] ila_nabila96: reunion thingy?? r ya goin'?
[22:46] atikahbasyirah: on my own
[22:46] atikahbasyirah: coz its my class
[22:46] atikahbasyirah: duhh
[22:47] ila_nabila96: huh.
[22:47] ila_nabila96: im very busy la dis week...
[22:47] ila_nabila96:
[22:47] ila_nabila96: td puase tidak??
[22:48] atikahbasyirah: CUTIIII
[22:48] atikahbasyirah: hehe
[22:48] ila_nabila96: kopalen.
[22:48] ila_nabila96: haha.
[22:49] atikahbasyirah: whats that
[22:49] ila_nabila96: complain
[22:49] atikahbasyirah: it doesnt sounds like that
[22:49] atikahbasyirah: hahaha
[22:53] ila_nabila96: r u cmng bck or nt??
[22:53] atikahbasyirah: no la
[22:53] atikahbasyirah: just leave me to die here
[22:53] atikahbasyirah: gosh
[22:53] atikahbasyirah: im such a drama queen also
[22:54] ila_nabila96: u just knew dat??
[22:54] ila_nabila96: haha.
[22:54] ila_nabila96: kutner's dead.
[22:54] atikahbasyirah: told ya!
[22:55] atikahbasyirah: i totally have told ya!
[22:55] ila_nabila96: evryone's dying.
[22:55] atikahbasyirah: he's helping obama, they have to cut the character
[22:55] ila_nabila96: evn d patients. no cure.
[22:55] atikahbasyirah: is house dying?
[22:55] atikahbasyirah: heroes dont die
[22:55] atikahbasyirah: h1n1 perhaps?
[22:56] ila_nabila96: durh.
[22:56] ila_nabila96: kutner's n actor.
[22:56] ila_nabila96: y tlg obama??
[22:56] atikahbasyirah: ask him la
[22:57] atikahbasyirah: im not his mother
[22:57] ila_nabila96: oh really?
[22:57] ila_nabila96: bummer.
[22:57] ila_nabila96:
[22:58] ila_nabila96: house is so emotional.
[22:58] atikahbasyirah: he just take things too seriously
[22:58] atikahbasyirah: its a good thing but sometimes its not
[22:59] ila_nabila96: wats d name of d girl dat use to wrk with him?
[22:59] atikahbasyirah: cameron
[22:59] ila_nabila96: rite. y is he hitting on her?
[23:00] atikahbasyirah: cos she's hot
[23:01] ila_nabila96: not. thirt33n is hotta.
[23:01] atikahbasyirah: thirteen dengan foreman
[23:01] ila_nabila96: foreman would agree
[23:01] atikahbasyirah: which is ewwwww
[23:02] ila_nabila96: y?? r ya racist??
[23:02] ila_nabila96:
[23:02] atikahbasyirah: he's old!
[23:02] atikahbasyirah: not racist
[23:02] atikahbasyirah: i like chris brown
[23:02] atikahbasyirah: ...which doesnt prove anything
[23:02] ila_nabila96: he's rich!
[23:03] atikahbasyirah: u materialistic u!
[22:29] atikahbasyirah: i got no class tomorow
[22:30] atikahbasyirah: cn come pick me up or not
[22:30] atikahbasyirah: obviously i have no friends to hangout with
[22:30] ila_nabila96: cming home then?
[22:30] atikahbasyirah: havent been out the college for straight 4 days
[22:30] atikahbasyirah: n im about to go out of my mind!
[22:30] ila_nabila96: haha.
[22:31] atikahbasyirah: and i only been talking to walls!
[22:31] atikahbasyirah: i need a pet.
[22:31] atikahbasyirah: seriously
[22:31] atikahbasyirah: help!
[22:31] atikahbasyirah: mayday2!
[22:31] ila_nabila96: wiw.
[22:31] ila_nabila96: ur starting to talk to ur own kind!
[22:31] ila_nabila96: at last.
[22:31] ila_nabila96:

[22:31] atikahbasyirah: demmit
[22:32] atikahbasyirah: im in serious pain here
[22:32] atikahbasyirah: rabu also got no class
[22:32] atikahbasyirah: mlm je ade at 8pm
[22:32] atikahbasyirah: i want to go home
[22:32] atikahbasyirah: im crying here
[22:32] atikahbasyirah: heeeeeeellllllllllllllpppppppppp
[22:33] atikahbasyirah: addddeeeeeekkkkk
[22:33] atikahbasyirah: heeelp
[22:33] ila_nabila96: ibu kate nk balik naik bas ley tidak?
[22:34] atikahbasyirah: too scared on my own
[22:34] atikahbasyirah: nak balik td dh
[22:34] atikahbasyirah: tp takot sorg2
[22:34] ila_nabila96: slame ni ley jewk.
[22:34] ila_nabila96:

[22:34] atikahbasyirah: i dont know
[22:34] atikahbasyirah: this place just got scarrier
[22:35] ila_nabila96: heh. dats just u.
[22:35] atikahbasyirah: help2
[22:35] atikahbasyirah: pessa aint helping
[22:35] ila_nabila96: akk, my psp is gettin' betta n betta!!
[22:35] atikahbasyirah: he just told me to main sudoku
[22:35] ila_nabila96: haha
[22:35] atikahbasyirah: duhhh
[22:36] atikahbasyirah: boringggg
[22:36] atikahbasyirah: i need a psp!
[22:36] ila_nabila96: pessa come and go.
[22:36] ila_nabila96: just like adik/
[22:36] atikahbasyirah: thts wht i need
[22:36] atikahbasyirah: heeeeellppp
[22:36] ila_nabila96: PSP???
[22:36] atikahbasyirah: i cant take it anymooooooooooorreeeeee
[22:36] ila_nabila96: should i post mine 2 u??
[22:36] atikahbasyirah: yes2
[22:36] atikahbasyirah: u shud
[22:36] ila_nabila96: haha.
[22:37] ila_nabila96: convince ayh la.
[22:37] ila_nabila96: i don mind.
[22:37] atikahbasyirah: y dont y do it
[22:37] ila_nabila96: cnnot stadi la kalo tgk psp uh.
[22:37] atikahbasyirah: im not got at convincing
[22:37] atikahbasyirah: im not lyke u
[22:37] atikahbasyirah: i stadi also
[22:37] ila_nabila96: fyi, ayh cut my alaun.
[22:38] atikahbasyirah: need i remind u that im 'the world's greatest daughter'?
[22:38] atikahbasyirah: ayah bought the mug just to prove it to u guys
[22:38] atikahbasyirah: hahaha
[22:38] atikahbasyirah: y lah ayah cut?
[22:38] ila_nabila96: uh, dat mug eh?
[22:39] ila_nabila96: adoiii.
[22:39] atikahbasyirah: help2
[22:39] atikahbasyirah: come n pick me up
[22:39] atikahbasyirah: im meelltttiiinnnggg
[22:40] ila_nabila96: to pay back d psp game. ayh very cheap nowadys.
[22:41] atikahbasyirah: ugh.
[22:41] atikahbasyirah: men.
[22:41] atikahbasyirah: whats up ah men with money
[22:41] atikahbasyirah: the got issues
[22:41] ila_nabila96: exactly.
[22:41] atikahbasyirah: not like they shop or anyhting
[22:42] ila_nabila96: ibu ckp nk balik balikla tp sape nk anta balik asrma nnti?
[22:42] atikahbasyirah: i can balik on my own kot
[22:42] ila_nabila96: balik sini mcm mana?
[22:42] atikahbasyirah: u guys pick me up la
[22:43] atikahbasyirah: weekends ni im nt coming back
[22:43] ila_nabila96: cnnot. besok ira mnembak la.
[22:43] atikahbasyirah: got some reunion thingy kat melaka
[22:46] atikahbasyirah: adik
[22:46] atikahbasyirah: nevermind la
[22:46] ila_nabila96: yesh.
[22:46] atikahbasyirah: i'll just hangout kat library tomorrow
[22:46] ila_nabila96: reunion thingy?? r ya goin'?
[22:46] atikahbasyirah: on my own
[22:46] atikahbasyirah: coz its my class
[22:46] atikahbasyirah: duhh
[22:47] ila_nabila96: huh.
[22:47] ila_nabila96: im very busy la dis week...
[22:47] ila_nabila96:

[22:47] ila_nabila96: td puase tidak??
[22:48] atikahbasyirah: CUTIIII
[22:48] atikahbasyirah: hehe
[22:48] ila_nabila96: kopalen.
[22:48] ila_nabila96: haha.
[22:49] atikahbasyirah: whats that
[22:49] ila_nabila96: complain
[22:49] atikahbasyirah: it doesnt sounds like that
[22:49] atikahbasyirah: hahaha
[22:53] ila_nabila96: r u cmng bck or nt??
[22:53] atikahbasyirah: no la
[22:53] atikahbasyirah: just leave me to die here
[22:53] atikahbasyirah: gosh
[22:53] atikahbasyirah: im such a drama queen also
[22:54] ila_nabila96: u just knew dat??
[22:54] ila_nabila96: haha.
[22:54] ila_nabila96: kutner's dead.
[22:54] atikahbasyirah: told ya!
[22:55] atikahbasyirah: i totally have told ya!
[22:55] ila_nabila96: evryone's dying.
[22:55] atikahbasyirah: he's helping obama, they have to cut the character
[22:55] ila_nabila96: evn d patients. no cure.
[22:55] atikahbasyirah: is house dying?
[22:55] atikahbasyirah: heroes dont die
[22:55] atikahbasyirah: h1n1 perhaps?
[22:56] ila_nabila96: durh.
[22:56] ila_nabila96: kutner's n actor.
[22:56] ila_nabila96: y tlg obama??
[22:56] atikahbasyirah: ask him la
[22:57] atikahbasyirah: im not his mother
[22:57] ila_nabila96: oh really?
[22:57] ila_nabila96: bummer.
[22:57] ila_nabila96:

[22:58] ila_nabila96: house is so emotional.
[22:58] atikahbasyirah: he just take things too seriously
[22:58] atikahbasyirah: its a good thing but sometimes its not
[22:59] ila_nabila96: wats d name of d girl dat use to wrk with him?
[22:59] atikahbasyirah: cameron
[22:59] ila_nabila96: rite. y is he hitting on her?
[23:00] atikahbasyirah: cos she's hot
[23:01] ila_nabila96: not. thirt33n is hotta.
[23:01] atikahbasyirah: thirteen dengan foreman
[23:01] ila_nabila96: foreman would agree
[23:01] atikahbasyirah: which is ewwwww
[23:02] ila_nabila96: y?? r ya racist??
[23:02] ila_nabila96:

[23:02] atikahbasyirah: he's old!
[23:02] atikahbasyirah: not racist
[23:02] atikahbasyirah: i like chris brown
[23:02] atikahbasyirah: ...which doesnt prove anything
[23:02] ila_nabila96: he's rich!
[23:03] atikahbasyirah: u materialistic u!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
tidak sehat
dari semalam badan aku rase lain macam. maybe sebab kepanasan melampau semasa bawak motor semalam. Hasilnye hari ini aku demam. Hari aku hari banyak dihabiskan dengan tidur sahaja. Kejap lagi nak makan ubat, pastu tidur kot. Doakan aku cepat sembuh. Heh
rough week
and indeed it was.
alhamdulillah there were still a few i should be thankful for, ice age3, nad and pessa
- monday blues. satu benda pasal math pun tak masuk.
- i decided to take a bus to class one morning, a bus full of boys. bawak t-square bagai. memang budak 1st year mechy la ni. dalam lab ada t-square la! tak payah nak nyemak2 bawak! buat sempit bas je.
- kena sound direct dengan puan mariam on thursday morning. it left me speechless. classmate pun terdiam. it felt like my chest was torn open and my heart was pulled out. what was it all about? nothing.
- sebelum kena sound direct, ibu called. i went outside to answer. mak long passed away around 8 am that morning. (al-fatihah)
- kena gastrik. twice this week.
- i was still tired from travelling back and forth to segamat, but i kept my spirit up and went to friday's evening class. and it just rained. so heavily. i was soaking wet up to my knees. and my books were dripping.
- i remembered tnc went mad. "kalau grad dengan 3rd class tak payah konvo la, buat malu je naik atas pentas." GULP!
- kak bai told me how she misses us. gosh. tears! i miss u too kak bai.
- and right now i miss ibu and all the talk in the car. and it was mostly about pessa. hehe. huuu, ibu, nak balikkk.
alhamdulillah there were still a few i should be thankful for, ice age3, nad and pessa
Monday, July 13, 2009
second trial- disappointment
first trial- telengkan sikit kepala untuk tengok.
ok, post berhabuk. ini peringkat daerah hari tu. sekolah yang kami berdua dan aqil tolong tu adalah di lane yang paling obvious dalam video, lane far right. mereka diberi dua kali percubaan saja, dan masa yang diambil adalah yang paling baik. they came out at 2nd place di peringkat daerah. kecewa juga la pasal budak- budak ni dah beriya nak ke negeri. plus, mereka tak puas hati sekolah yang dapat first place, pasal sekolah tersebut dikatakan mengupah staf utm untuk buat kereta mereka. yang mereka ni pulak, memang sendiri buat dalam seminggu je pulak tu, pengetua mereka konon nya 'terlupa' nak bagitahu.
dapat tahu last week, ppd faks supaya sekolah desa skudai ni turut serta dalam peringkat negeri. gembira tak hingat mereka ni. siap telefon, suruh ika dengan pesa ikut pergi pasir gudang. peringkat negeri was tougher. no help. they have to build a new car, dengan barang- barang yang disediakan within 4 hours, on the spot. and additional 4 hours later to prepare for the presentation. not that i have any worries on the presentation, sebab i know irfan seorang je boleh buat presentation, mengalahkan standard universiti. i was more worried about the car. only the 3 of them will be making it. mau gerak ke tak kereta ni.
alhamdulillah. 3 hari competition tuh, mereka dapat 2nd place peringkat negeri. only a few marks difference dengan 1st place, based on their aerodynamics punya markah which was 5 marks. they deserve a standing ovation. they are no- boarding school students, they did it all by themselves, and they definitely have taught me a lesson-- have interest in what you are doing and do it by heart.
a job well done guys. it has been nice working with you guys. good luck on spm to amin and surendren and pmr to irfan.
p/s: click on play to watch the videos.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
first week in college summary.
its friday. and my last class just ended. it ended early, alhamdulillah since im having stomachache and headache due of math 4. takde la payah mana pun chapter 2, cuma kelas junior yang ika join ni peramah sikit. dalam kelas tadi gak la bertelagah method- method tuh. yang mat ni cerita lain, yang minah ni cerita lain. mana satu mitos nak pakai pun tak tahu. jadi pening. kelas math tu pulak clash dengan budak course lain, so kami di halau. so here's the summary.
- i hate mondays. from now on. why? coz i got maths class every monday for 3 straight hours at 8am. afterwards, solid II. pfft.
- due to space constraints, all my classes are packed. gabung 2 sections. and we have to fight for front rows and lecturer's attention.
- i have night class on wednesday. and its fricking dark and fricking scary and fricking lonely. coz all my friends are now staying outside. except for me.
- i thought this sem people would stop taking me for a freshie, but unfortunately they still do. just like the other night, i was given a bottle of water ( i refused). he thought i was also lost and might be thirsty. padahal dia yang freshie. and just petang tadi, while i was walking back this random guy just came to me and said "hi budak baru eh? nama saya azrin, saya bujang." what the fuck?! (first time mencarut dalam blog.)
- i walk fast. and i bumped into a young, male lecturer. i was all panicked and guilty. he smiled cynically. i ran. bengang.
- i dropped thick-library books on my way back to hostel. in public. aargh.
- an old friend, ya came to visit. we spent hours on my bed gossiping.
- i hate having class on friday evening. i cant go out with ya.
- i was late to my maths class because dee picked up ya late. i have to accompany her till dee came. i was NEVER late to class. i broke my own record.
- i kinda promised kim that i'll go to her raya's open house this year, since i never came, and this is her final year.
- today was pretty rough, i called pesa to talk to him and accompany me and my angry stomach back to my room, and he just dropped the call coz he had to bowl. me walking alone again.
- i dont like my new room. its too near to the guys and this huge cctv hanging like a super light bulb. it makes me feel like a cyber-slut. they watch me on screen.
- i dropped a kilo. =)
- ayah said 0.06 is a very huge difference. so i cant ask for a car since im not on dean's list.
- i wish im an ostrich. whenever i feel down i can just bury my head in the soil.
p/s: dont bother ask why this post is meriah with colors. i just had nothing better to do.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Hari baik
Hari ini aku bangun awal pagi kerana sudah berjanji untuk breakfast sama-sama dengan ika. Kelas aku start 9 pagi hari ini. So, aku dapat la luangkan masa untuk breakfast dulu di TDI. Aku bangun pagi tadi, pi melabur dulu kt saham rumah then mandi. Selesai semua tu aku pun siap-siap, panaskan enjin motor, bukak pintu rumah. Semua budak rumah aku tak bangun lagi. Depa memang menggunakan masa tidur yang secukup-cukupnya memandangkan kelas pukul 9 pagi ni. Aku keluar rumah dalam pukul 8++, sampai sana dalam pukul 8.10 kot.
Sampai2 je si dia dah menunggu di kafe. So, kitorang pun terus la pi ambik makanan. Siap bayar semua operasi mengisi perut dimulakan. Dah lama tak breakfast same2. Takde kesempatan selama ni. Makan punya makan aku tengok dua2 pinggan licin, dua2 gelas air pun habis. Patut la Auntie Mala panggil kami anak2 badak. Hahahaha. Selepas makan acara borak2 pula menyusul. Tiba2 mata aku terpandang tv. Tv tu tengah siaran MHI, Couple tengah perform lagu akustik masa tu. Walaupun aku layan Couple, tapi aku rasa lagu tu hampeh jugak la. Tak berapa nak sedap dengan bunyi suara yang terlampau kuat aku rasa lagu tu macam pelik pulak. Sedar2 je jam dh pukul 8.50. So aku pun gerak ke kelas. Awal2 sem ni memang aku masuk kelas awal, al-maklum semangat masih tinggi.
Aku abes klas pukul 11 pagi. Kelas pukul 11 depa cakap cancel. So aku terus cabut balik rumah la. Baru je rehat2 kt rumah, tibe2 ade orang bgtau kelas ada. Mau kelam kabut gak aku siap2. Sampai kelas dah pukul 11.20. Nasib baik lecturer tak buat hal. Kalau tak mau kene sembur gak mase masuk kelas tu. Memang membazir minyak motor je. Sape la buat dakyah kelas takde tadi. Kalo aku tau siap la. Memang nak kene sigung!
tag dari reah

10 fakta tentang saya.
- suka warna merah
- kuat tidur
- kuat makan
- suka durian. haha.
- cepat panik
- suka shopping. tapi tak berduit. hihi.
- suka chick-lit novels.
- tak sempurna.
- sayang atok
- sayang nenek. :)
- nana
- kak bai
- kak ayu
- rai
- izzy
- huda
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