dear mr boyfriend soon to be soulmate,
i've been meaning to write this to you, this post have been drafted for 4 days now, sorry for the slow update. life's been good, i couldn't ask for more. i guess it has been a bit out of my expectation. meeting pm ashraf has put an ease on my headache, i hope the psm will turn out fine. the loan's problem is being settle, i still need to get few signatures. a staff told me that's the problem with the system, they never update! i figured he was right, PTPTN still owe me a semester of contract, at least. i hope they get the numbers right, i dont want to pay more than what im getting. however, im short on cash, i've been using my psp money (again.). century bila agaknya dapat beli psp ni?
my roomies and i are getting along. thank god all of them are my age. i have no freaking idea how to mix around with juniors. you know how i get with my sisters, im like the youngest though im the oldest! anyways, eip dayah and jena are going to further masters here! december intake! how exciting is that? diorang cakap, "alaaa, nanti ika habis kitorang kene tinggal pulak". haha.
oh! and just the another night, i was chatting with ibu. imagine that! ibu dah pandai chatting! kat facebook haha, lepas tu dia tanya macam mana nak tukar profile photo. haha! and she's been changing photo every five minutes since then. ibu cakap nanti nak belanja makan sebab tolong angkat barang. eleh padahal angkat tiga kotak je, yang lain ika yang buat. huh.
im thinking of furthering my studies too. i got intrigued of the idea that you're going to do your masters. i've talked this over with ibu and she told me to look around for scholarships first instead of loans, and ayah was okay with it too, he kept telling me the pre-requisite to be a lecturer. how much cgpa is needed, the skills, yadaa, yadaa. im still not liking the idea to teach, didn't he realised that? haha.
and the best thing is, ira was listed for NS! poor girl! the very first in the family to get listed. she called the other day to tell me. we all had a big laugh. (im sure you are laughing too when you are reading this.) im gonna grab something to eat, writing requires a lot of energy! bye!
missing you oppa!
p/s: wishin' and hopin'; ani difranco. listen to that!
p/p/s: enclosed is a picture of my friends and i after concurrent class.