Hari ni aku semasa aku mengemas dekstop, terjumpa gambar-gambar lama. Aku suka snap gambar pemandangan, tapi mungkin la tak selawa orang-orang yang betul-betul berbakat dalam bidang ni. Lagi pon aku bukannya ada SLR pun, guna kamera handset je. Tapi minat tu dah hilang sekarang.
Aku ni bukan jenis yang minat sesuatu benda untuk jangka masa yang lama. Gitar kat rumah pun kadang-kadang je aku petik. Bila dah petik ntah ape-ape bunyi yang keluar. Sekadar melepaskan keinginan untuk bermain je. Sekarang ni, aku tengah gila main PES. Mungkin sehari dua lagi aku akan bosan dengan game tu.
Kene cari benda lain pulak untuk dijadikan hiburan untuk masa lapang. Al-maklum la, kawe ngah jadi penganggur sekarang.Sedih2...
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Happy 30 monthsary
To my beloved girl, wishing u
semoga sihat selalu dan berada di bawah jagaan-Nya. Amin =)
semoga sihat selalu dan berada di bawah jagaan-Nya. Amin =)
i love's,
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Suwei betul tidur petang ni. Boleh mimpi kene kejar anjing pulak. Ape jenis mimpi daa. Masa pick up adik aku dari sekolah tadi pun nyaris-nyaris nak kene kejar dengan anjing. Kenapa la anjing-anjing ni selalu menyusahkan aku. Ishh
Sunday, October 24, 2010

I'll give you all the love i want in return
But half a love is all i feel, sweet darling
It's too bad, it's just too sad
You don't want me no more
But i'm gonna change your mind
Some way, somehow
-Massive Attack: I want you
"Men are taught to apologize for their weaknesses, women for their strengths."
Lois Wyse
"When you realize you've made a mistake, make amends immediately.
It's easier to eat crow while it's still warm."
Dan Heist
For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness.
~Author Unknown
But half a love is all i feel, sweet darling
It's too bad, it's just too sad
You don't want me no more
But i'm gonna change your mind
Some way, somehow
-Massive Attack: I want you
"Men are taught to apologize for their weaknesses, women for their strengths."
Lois Wyse
"When you realize you've made a mistake, make amends immediately.
It's easier to eat crow while it's still warm."
Dan Heist
For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness.
~Author Unknown
p/s: saya sayangkan awak...maaf untuk segalanya
Friday, October 22, 2010
on wednesday i had a presentation in the morning with Dr. Rasol, and later that night a presentation with Dr. Salleh. I think i did pretty good in the morning, Dr. Rasol (from India, dont understand Malay at all), nodded a few times and said good through out my explanation. But at night, i didnt do well, i was already at the peak of my energy and i cant focus. i prepared a text i can refer to in case i go blank. in front of 100+ students. and a Dr. who speak very fluent British English. i sucked. and i wanted to cry. i mean i can do better, i was just sooo tired, i only slept 3 hours the other night.
the next day, i had my Design presentation. unlike last year, i finished all the drawing. templates drawings of parts and assembly are pretty messy i tot i should clear them out first, i even had extra time to do animation with SolidWork (yay! i know how to do animation on Solid Work), and prepare slide for my group. i already did the circuit soldering, the other guys was supposed to build the prototype. we did it, Dr Badrul was impressed we even managed to finish it, its a bloody working prototype! he said good. yay.
i've been pushing myself this week, i need fun input. i tot of a movie and mcd tomorrow. its been very long since i did fun stuff. last time i watched a movie was in early august and so was eating out. hari2 makan nasi bungkus. haihh. classmates already celebrated the freedom of group projects earlier today. i was too tired to join them. i thought i could just sleep it off, but reading my friends status, eating kfc, bowling, tengok wayang. i feel like i need those fun input also. because right now, im so stressed out and i want a beach vacation!
p/s: maybe i should go back to jb. im comfortable there. psm, can u finish up yourself?
the next day, i had my Design presentation. unlike last year, i finished all the drawing. templates drawings of parts and assembly are pretty messy i tot i should clear them out first, i even had extra time to do animation with SolidWork (yay! i know how to do animation on Solid Work), and prepare slide for my group. i already did the circuit soldering, the other guys was supposed to build the prototype. we did it, Dr Badrul was impressed we even managed to finish it, its a bloody working prototype! he said good. yay.
i've been pushing myself this week, i need fun input. i tot of a movie and mcd tomorrow. its been very long since i did fun stuff. last time i watched a movie was in early august and so was eating out. hari2 makan nasi bungkus. haihh. classmates already celebrated the freedom of group projects earlier today. i was too tired to join them. i thought i could just sleep it off, but reading my friends status, eating kfc, bowling, tengok wayang. i feel like i need those fun input also. because right now, im so stressed out and i want a beach vacation!
p/s: maybe i should go back to jb. im comfortable there. psm, can u finish up yourself?
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Aku pandang sekeliling hari ini
namun hanya objek pegun yang menemaniku
Aku putar memori ke hari semalam
kelihatan kau tersenyum padaku
Aku cuba menggapai tanganmu
namun hanya meja kaku yang menggalas tanganku
Aku cuba senyum padamu
namun hanya almari bisu yang terlihat di depanku
Aku cuba bermadah cinta
namun hanya kedengaran bunyi kipas sedang melepaskan keluhannya
Sesungguhnya perpisahan sebentar ini merundung perasaan sayu
Bagaimana aku harus menjalani hari-hari yang mendatang
Aku buntu, namun
Aku rindu dan
Aku sayang padamu
~sekadar luahan~
Friday, October 8, 2010
hurry up saturday!

in less than 15 hours, my boyfie is going to be around. im so happy, i think i glow-ed. a classmate ask me "ika, asal nampak berseri ari ni?". i know the question is so wrong in so many ways. im not married- yet. yay! taksabarnakjumpepessayay!
we just met two weeks ago, he had his DL ceremony. but i was so down that he didn't even ask how i was doing. excitement meeting his friends i suppose. this time around, HE'S MINE. i will only lend my boyfie for futsal with his friends. lepas tu pulang balik! i have so much to tell him, so much to gossip, so much nak mengadu, so much nak berlagak. haha. after all, he's my walking diary. i talked to him everyday, and he made sure i sleep in a good mood. i NEED my good mood back. let's make a list so i wont forget.
- sila tayang RC boat NO. 1 kat tasik. lepas tu buat muka puas dan bangga. you-darling-gf-design-and-build-this-arent-you-proud face. lepas tu tunjuk gamba hamper yang tinggi tu.
- pour out every problem and cry your heart out. lepas tu dengan suara sedih, mintak coolblog. sekarang jugak.
- mengadu pasal orang yang cari pasal, and make sure boyfie said, "nak kena pukul budak tu!". dia tak pukul pun takpe, dengar niat tu pun dah puas. haha.
- tell boyfie the pain is back. make him promise to come down to bp every two weeks.
- baju baru! he promised!
- my double choc amos. yumm!
- practice presentation depan boyfie. make sure he claps and cheers.
- tell boyfriend "i love you" every half an hour.
ok dah. taknak banyak- banyak. nanti orang cakap banyak demand pulak. haha
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Majlis Anugerah 'D'
Monday, October 4, 2010
random colorful post
okay, awal sem dah berazam nak cerita semua perihal dan aktiviti kolej dalam blog ni, tapi masa tak mengizinkan. bila masa dah ade, mood pulak tak ada, pasal cerita- cerita basi kolej belum di recordkan. i think i'll do it briefly la! sila tengok gamba random by random cameras! wehooo!

photo 1: design class trip to zull design, rawang. they make gadgets! awesome.
photo 2: my baby, darling RC boat we made and won first place! extra marks! yay!
photo 3: bbq celebrating our hard work for RC boat race and also iftar together. saya la yang bakar ayam tu, heeee
photo 4: ajk2 bakar ayam. berminyak2 muka. hehe
photo 5: 1st raya at segamat with cousin, ayah bought my kain raya all the way from china :)
photo 6: 3rd raya at shah alam with cousins. i love them to bits.
photo 7: eip dengan dayah datang ambil jubah konvo, they took me out jalan- jalan.
photo 8: konvoi raya from rumah bad, rumah bai, rumah wak and muar, rumah koden. this photo was taken at rumah wak at sarang buaya. such a lovely house.
photo 9: class raya photo i managed to screw up, i forgot to set the camera. hehe overexpose.
okayh! two months in 1 post! hehe.
thanks for scrolling up and down. saya memang sengaja.

photo 1: design class trip to zull design, rawang. they make gadgets! awesome.
photo 2: my baby, darling RC boat we made and won first place! extra marks! yay!
photo 3: bbq celebrating our hard work for RC boat race and also iftar together. saya la yang bakar ayam tu, heeee
photo 4: ajk2 bakar ayam. berminyak2 muka. hehe
photo 5: 1st raya at segamat with cousin, ayah bought my kain raya all the way from china :)
photo 6: 3rd raya at shah alam with cousins. i love them to bits.
photo 7: eip dengan dayah datang ambil jubah konvo, they took me out jalan- jalan.
photo 8: konvoi raya from rumah bad, rumah bai, rumah wak and muar, rumah koden. this photo was taken at rumah wak at sarang buaya. such a lovely house.
photo 9: class raya photo i managed to screw up, i forgot to set the camera. hehe overexpose.
okayh! two months in 1 post! hehe.
thanks for scrolling up and down. saya memang sengaja.
coz you're amazing,
Friday, October 1, 2010

im gonna make you feel like you're in heaven on earth,
im gonna thank your mother for giving you birth,
im gonna wanna hold you in arms when you cry,
if that's ok with you
i dont know if i should cry
i dont know if i should laugh over this
i barely know what's clearly now
i cant stand being alone
images going through my head
i cant tell
things won't go as i want it to be
or i just don't want to
mouth won't speak
tears won't fall
stop being so super
stop being so tough
no stars tonight to count,
or my eyes are just to blurry
hearts i have to keep
but who will keep mine safe?
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