im sighing.
i've let out a happy- relieve sigh.
i've finish reading remember me?
kinsella's remember me? is a good read. it got me smiling, giggling half way through and fantasizing. haha. i gave it two thumbs up. if i had three arms i'd give up the third thumb. but i dont. because then i'll be all cacat and alien. haha.
im in a good mood. not just because its wednesday. not just because its windy outside. and not just because i decided to have the afternoon to myself finishing up on kinsella's instead of going mad at malls with my girls since its the last day of mega sale and all. there's something else and it had kept me smiling all afternoon. beats new handbags and shoes (tho i really want 1 of those). its him. yeah, u probably be going "ah, balak dia lagi" or "jiwang nak mampos". i simply dont care. one thing about me is i dont care what people think. not that i dont give a thought at all at what people might say or react or think of me. its just that im not gonna change who am i so others can be comfortable, so that i appear as who they want to see. this is me. this is who i am. take it or leave it.
in kinsella's remember me, its about a 28 year old having amnesia. not remembering who was she married to or whether she's married. she have absolutely no memory of this stranger-- her husband. but the memory of the salty air and having each other way couple of years back that trigger her memory back. but the memory was not shared with his husband, but was with her secret love. well, you have to read it to know the rest.
i know people been bugged with couples keep saying "i love you" the whole time. some might use as a reason for a break up, "im sick of you keep saying i love you like it doesnt mean anything, like its cheap and you can say whenever u feel like it". actually to tell you the truth im bugged by it too. sometimes, i love you can be a turn off. like saying something at a wrong time. because i love you is the last thing you want to hear.
when's the good time to say it? ask tipsgoda. im no love doctor. =)
en faisal is one of the guys with trucksloads of i love you. sometimes i do feel like pinching him hard for the i love you's. but sometimes that's what makes me feel like i belong. he keep saying that he loves me like i'll die the next day and never have the chance the say those words to me again. as if in couple of moments i might be abducted by aliens and all he wants me to know is that he loves me. i'd be lying if it doesnt bug me even once. he'll say he loves me once before he ends the call. i'll get more than once if he misses me more. haha. if he cant say it out loud, he'll just whisper it or say 143, but once he mistakenly said 132 to me. which means nothing but numbers. it still gives me a hard laugh everytime i remember it.haha. and sometimes if im out of his reach nor near him, he'll do this thing with lips saying 'i love you'. but usually i dont have my glasses on and i cant figure out what he's trying to tell me. i'll be screaming like, "ape dia?!" haha.
when probably one third of the world are already sick with i love you's, im glad, no, im so so grateful that at least someone would want to say those 3 words to me. i dont care if it make me all sick-y and puke-y, i'll accept it with all my heart even if i dont need 1 at that time. if it pisses me off, i can be mad and merajuk and all. its that simple. haha. but imagine this, what if one day u had amnesia and those i love you's trigger your memory back? it could happen u know. ok, im imagining too much. but if i do lose my memory i know i dont want the part of his i love you's to be missing. heeee... (wide smile)
p/s: added up a new tag! "him" =)