Tuesday, January 25, 2011


tadaaaa! my first attempt on architecture. it's not my best. but i did it in less than an hour. (bangga kejap).

i had to get the sketches done for my RP project. i was sooo lazy the other night that i snoozed off early with hopes that i'll get up early to do the sketch. but i woke up at 8.30. class in 2 hours time.

membebel sorang- sorang, brushed teeth, cuci muka, make bed = 30 minutes.

watched the time again, ranting and membebel some more.

then i finally sat down, sharpen pensel kayu and took out a piece of paper. i have to get this done!

pija was so scared to get in my 'focus circle'. she just looked from a far and said wow. okayh. temper slightly went down.

have you seen the details on this mosque?! owh btw, my group was assigned to do Masjid Sultan Abu Bakar. we need to cut them in half and put these exotic buildings in a 3D frame. cool or what?

the details was making me mad, so i took off my clothes (do not visualize), and ran for a quick shower to cool down. it wasn't that quick tho. lama la jugak. damn. waste time already.

i got panicked. so with just a towel on (do not visualize again), i continued the detailing but only the obvious ones, i dont have much time. done! i put on my clothes while pija examined the sketch. i heard a wow. wow is such an ego-booster. do not say it too often.

i was in a bad mood when i reach RP class, i hate last minute work. well its my own fault. groupmate wanted to see the sketch and then in a blink of an eye, the sketch have traveled to end of the class. i heard wow like 2 millions time. then nizam asked me, "ika ko fotostat ke lukis ni?". while holding an eraser to prove his theory. "DONT! aku lukis! aku lukis! jangan padam."

then group progress report started, everyone already come out with solidwork drawings. mind you. they took them from seniors, unfortunately no one had done the masjid so we need to do it from scratch. the lecturer was holding my sketch, running his hand on the paper, scratched his head and asked, "lukis ke copy ni?". "emm, lukis cik." wow. 2 millions and one.

my ego went THIS high, hence this post. haha. no lah. i dont really like this one. because it wasn't my best and i was under pressure. dah la senget benget (duh, that's why its called a sketch). so........... anyone free to do this solidwork drawing of the masjid? i'll pay you! and even buy you dinner! promise.

p/s: eip! sorry! nanti aku wat post yang ko tag tu eh.. hehe


Eip said...

eh, tetibe ada nama aku lak kat p/s kan. haha..no worries. tak mandatory pun..=)

ikabash said...

cam menarik tajuk dia.. tp aku xsempat lg nak blog psl tuh..nnti aku wat.. tp kalo bukan tuk hadiah tape kan? hehe

Eip said...

xde hal. aku pun wat xdela pasal nak menang sgt pun. saje layankan..

pessa said...

lawaaaaa!! ley jd arkitek ni

Sajida said...

ika mmg pandai design! ingat tak buku fashion kita dulu? masa darjah 6. kita ada simpan lagi. penuh dgn baju yg ika design je. hehe... sweet memory.

ikabash said...

yeke sajid? thanks :) haha, tak ingat pun kite main desgin2. ingat masa yang kite main doktor2 gune bilik belakang kelas tu.. huuu memories..